Posts tagged parents
Changes to the Writing Exam in Selective Test (Predictions)

Just because the Selective Exam is changing dramatically, it doesn't mean you can't prepare. Use your time to ready your child for the changes in the 'Writing' component with this video. 3 bold predictions regarding the writing exam for the NSW Selective School exam based on the exams of Cambridge Assessments internationally.

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What Are The 3 NEW Changes Coming to The 2021 Selective Exam?

Less coachability. Different difficulty levels. More emphasis on certain question types. How does it impact current students? Three of the biggest changes that are coming to the NSW Selective School exam and how to prepare for it.

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How to Write the BEST Body Paragraphs in English Essays

Confused. Stuck. Don't know where to start? Feeling like essays are way too difficult? Best advice on why you should follow this structure for body paragraphs to get high english marks from Founder John ‘Bing’ Huang.

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How to Write A+ Introductions in English Essays

English Essays can be hard. Especially knowing how to start it off with a fantastic introduction. It allows markers to determine whether or not you know what you are writing about and can give a good sense of the range of mark your essay will get. Today I go through a format for an introduction essay that can be utilised in all essays especially in the senior years of English NSW Highschools.

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Why Are So Many Students Doing the 'ICAS' UNSW Exams?

What is ICAS exams? Why are over 1 million students completing it every year? The ICAS exams are conducted by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and provides comprehensive benefits to both students and parents. It allows you to determine where you place among your peers.

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Stop Making Excuses – How Do You Hold Student’s Accountable?

After an exam, do you often find that your child makes excuses for why they performed the way they did? If you are, you are not alone. It’s tough but in the society that we are living in, we do not want to let other people know our weaknesses.

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