Posts tagged junior
How to Write the BEST Body Paragraphs in English Essays

Confused. Stuck. Don't know where to start? Feeling like essays are way too difficult? Best advice on why you should follow this structure for body paragraphs to get high english marks from Founder John ‘Bing’ Huang.

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How to Write A+ Introductions in English Essays

English Essays can be hard. Especially knowing how to start it off with a fantastic introduction. It allows markers to determine whether or not you know what you are writing about and can give a good sense of the range of mark your essay will get. Today I go through a format for an introduction essay that can be utilised in all essays especially in the senior years of English NSW Highschools.

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Why Are So Many Students Doing the 'ICAS' UNSW Exams?

What is ICAS exams? Why are over 1 million students completing it every year? The ICAS exams are conducted by the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and provides comprehensive benefits to both students and parents. It allows you to determine where you place among your peers.

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Stop Making Excuses – How Do You Hold Student’s Accountable?

After an exam, do you often find that your child makes excuses for why they performed the way they did? If you are, you are not alone. It’s tough but in the society that we are living in, we do not want to let other people know our weaknesses.

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How to Get Much Better in Maths by Changing Your Mindset

How do you improve your marks in Maths? Want practical advice on how to get better in mathematics? Here, I share some practical advice on how to change your mindset and improve your marks especially when you are currently struggling in maths.

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What Students Who Have Fallen Behind In School NEED To Do

I will be going through the educational problem that is impacting students who are already behind and struggle to learn more advanced concepts. I will be going through some research on the impact on individualised tutoring specifically what is being done in the US with Saga tutoring.

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