I’m John ‘Bing’ Huang -
We help students in NSW improve their marks through online 1 on 1 tutoring.
Our no-nonsense approach allows us to help students get closer to their educational goals. That is why every class is 1 on 1.
How it works -
The Process
Our educators are dedicated to sharing the frameworks they employ to assist students in their learning journey.
Let’s be honest. Group tutoring often follows a one-size-fits-all approach, which may not align with your specific learning needs.
At Bing's Academy, we offer the flexibility to focus on topics that are relevant to you. Tailor your lessons to fit your educational objectives.
It's natural to have questions and uncertainties about your educational path. Our one-on-one setting provides a comfortable space for open dialogue with our educators, allowing for a more personalised learning experience.
The impact of education depends on the quality of instruction. That's why we're committed to being available for any questions or feedback you may have. Our team is just a message away.

Our Superpowers
Beyond English & Mathematics fundamentals, we try to help with:
Opportunity Classes (OC) offer an enriched learning environment and can be a stepping stone for students interested in academic challenges. While OC classes are often seen as a pathway to selective high schools, it's important to note that they are not a guarantee for future educational outcomes.
Selective high schools provide an environment focused on academic excellence. Many students aim for these schools with the hope that it could positively impact their educational journey, including their HSC ATAR. However, it's important to remember that individual outcomes can vary.
The HAST test offers another opportunity for students interested in transferring to a selective high school between years 7-10. While the test can open doors, it's not a guarantee for placement in a higher-ranked school.
Reviews From Our Students
Disclaimer: The testimonials featured here reflect individual success stories and are not a guarantee of success.

Ready to Embark on Your Educational Journey With Us?